Clang-Clang-Clang went the Bell

Before my cancer operation, I wrote this to Dr Garcia of Sloan Kettering Hospital.
At the time I didn’t think as funny, But actually it really was. I only just thought of it because I’m going for a Colon cancer operation and felt I had to tell my surgeon about a scar that might be a problem….
I’m writing this to inform you of something that I had completely forgotten about for over 40 years. In a meeting this past week with my General Practitioner, Dr Magliulo, we discussed the up and coming procedure that MSK doctors were going to perform on my cancer. In the discussion we talked about some of the happenings I’ve had over the years, and I recalled an event that happened to me in 1972. My one year old son was just learning to walk, and he was playing with a 6″ handheld Indian brass bell, that was a sample of what I was importing at the time. He left it upright on a chair and it was not visible under a dining room table that was in a corner of the room. I, being very agile, and without seeing it, swung around and sat down on that chair landing directly on that bell. Needless to say, it went straight up into my body between my testicals and my rectum. My natural reaction was Jumping up, and I knocked over the completely set up table and at the same time pulling out the bell which had gone completely in me, all the way up to the bell portion. “Clang-“Clang-“Clang” went the bell as it came out along with a flush of my blood. My oldest son Trey helped me outside, and thereafter I was rushed to a local hospital, trying to hold back the blood with my finger, and by the time I got there the wound swelled shut and my testicle sack began filling up with the blood that could no longer come out the hole created by the bell as it swelled and closed. My Testicle sacks filled to the bursting stage and were almost the size of a basketball. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctors shocked at what they saw, could not decide how to proceed, so they finally agreed that it was best to let nature take it’s course. They actually moved me into a room in the maternity ward and I was put into “Sits baths” daily to re-leave the pain and allow my new basketball to float. I was there for two weeks as the basketball became a softball, then back to normal size at the end of that time, so I was released with no further damage to my body. I was 40 years old and strong, and just forgot about it. However, it brings up a point that there may be scar tissue in that area from the accident that might effect my operation.
I tell you this with a laugh now, but at the time it was not so funny as the movies make it out to be, also, just to make you aware of this incident before you operate on me. I have had no repercussion from that accident nor the one earlier( I was 18), were I fell into a steel shaft cutting my left testicle in half, causing the same affect. Here again no physical affects had changed any of my abilities, especially having children…I had 3 sons. Both incidents happened and disappeared. Just for your knowledge, and maybe a little laugh.
Sal Bianco Jr

I will be writing about my Accident when I fell into a shaft

Published by

Sal Bianco Jr

Born in a fifth floor cold water apartment on Mulberry Street in Manhattan, NY, Have 3 very successful sons, Created a business called White Knight Ad Ventures LLC that had offices in Hong Kong, Manila, Seoul, Bangkok, Canton, China. Formed a Company called "Made in America" traveled 300,000 miles in a RV I made myself on a Peterbilt truck. Fly a powered parachute,and planning reaching 100. .

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